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Commercial Business Developers


Commercial Business is a major factor in change of economic circumstance in any given neighborhood. It reflects new and existing residents of a given neighborhood, and goes hand in hand with the effects of gentrification. Commercial businesses like Apple, Google, Wells Fargo, and others have resources that could easily be used to benefit the old communities they have come to inhabit in New York. On West 16th Street, this is obvious, as lower and middle income residents would benefit from increased access to jobs, education, and community resources, which could come and has come in certain circumstances and in present circumstances, from new commercial developments. When business meets the social demands of the neighborhoods they inhabit as right of passage, everyone is uplifted. This is something all residents have the power to express and push for.


Luxury Apartment Developers


Big and/or luxury developments raise property values in the neighborhood and change land valuations determined by the city, raising rents in many cases, but also raising the value of units in the area. This has an effect on local business owners, who oftentimes face soaring rents to remain open, and different markets to cater to as new neighbors with different tastes and different economic pallets move in. Stay updated on these changes, the effects of 421a tax abatements, and the effects of rising median family income in increasingly gentrified neighborhoods by staying on top of what is going on in your city. Start with your neighborhood. When business meets the social demands of the neighborhoods they inhabit as right of passage, everyone is uplifted. Community Board 4, for instance, meets once a month to discuss Land Use, meaning new developments in the area. 


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